Dr. Amrik Singh
We take immense pleasure to introduce you Vaid (Ayurvedic Doctor) Amrik Singh. He is in practice since 1980 (Over 3 decades) and has successfully served and cured thousands of Indian and International patients with an astonishing 97% success rate. Some people believe him to be a "Miracle Man" and some call him the "Magnetic Doctor of India".
The whole treatment as explained in the various different pages of this site, is the "Magnetic Therapy" by Dr. Amrik Singh. We start with a free diagnosis and zero consultation fee to decide the treatment protocol. Our Treatments vary depending on the problem/ pain area. Our treatments are Precise, Specific & Measurable in the terms of results.
Our specialty is that we do the Root cause diagnosis without expensive tests/ No MRI, X-Rays etc. We are strictly against the Surgeries/ Operations etc. as the after effects and problems of the surgeries can never be reversed. But Please note that we don't treat the patients who have any sort of prevailing or historic heart conditions or have already undergone a surgery for the pain area/ body part.
We believe in a No expensive tests/ M.R.I. / X-Rays, No medicines and No surgery approach. We affectively cure the Back Pain, Neck Pain, Cervical Pain, Pain of the joints Like shoulder & Knees, Tennis Elbow, Paralysis and much more and that too "Only With Magnet Therapy". We have a fully equipped clinic in Delhi and all we need from you is the Trust. It's not a miracle but a treatment and your trust in your therapist will take you a long way.
We focus & Aim at fixing the root cause and not just giving a temporary relief and rather have a positive Outcome. In the final step, we give Free Remedial classes and Posture correction as after treatment follow ups.